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Lauren Neufeld

Meet Your Cosmic Kids Yogi Instructor

Meet your yoga instructor, Jamie! This ultra-enthusiastic yogi is recorded in front of a green screen, and then transported to a 3 dimensional world that brings the themes of Cosmic Kids to life. She instructs her interactive yoga flows as if she is telling stories. Through the use of story she implements proper yoga poses, breathing, and form while using kid friendly language. This app not only reinforces skills in strength, coordination, balance, and bodily awareness, but also instills skills such as focus, breathing, and relaxation at a young age. Mindfulness apps are resources teachers should utilize, as they teach lifelong tools that are not only psychologically, but physically beneficial as well.

On www.cosmickids.com, cosmic kids YouTube, or on the cosmic kids app you can sort videos by length, energy, and category. For length, you can choose from videos under 10 minutes, under 15 minutes, and over 15 minutes. This option is perfect for in the classroom when a teacher is in need for a quick brain break, or calming re-setting activity for students. This mindfulness app is also a great resource for substitute teachers in elementary school classrooms, as a way to set a relaxing energy in the classroom, and to fill in time when unfamiliar lessons may run short. The “calm”, “focus”, and “active” learning filters on the app specialize in energy-regulating yoga flows. The categories on the app consist of stories, mindfulness, yoga, relaxation, and dance, and within these categories are themes pertaining to 3-9 year old interests such as Minecraft, Tinkerbell, Pokemon, and other various themes.



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