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Lauren Neufeld


Why is it important that we take up multimodality in this very multimodal world?

  • Multimodality is important in the classroom because it is a way to include all types of learners (visual, auditory, readers etc)
  • Multimodality: A resource that uses more than one mode to convey meaning
    • Multiple means to demonstrate, explain or represent, not just one way
    • (Ex: A project that allows the class to represent their work through different means (modes)
    • ex). Visual diagram, website/technology, a speech etc.) 
  • Mode: A socially shaped and culturally accepted way to make meaning of information
    • ex). visual image, written language, oral speech, gesture, music, etc.
      1. Each mode has different semiotic resources and thus different affordances (potentialities and constraints) 
  • Types of modes: Linguistic, visual, aural, gestural and spatial 
  • Semiotic resource is a material, social and cultural resource that has meaning potential aka “semiotic potential” 
  • Multimodality creates more of a level playing field, it increases the chances for a student to thrive and achieve in their classroom environments 

Means of multimodality in the world today:



-Face timing

-Group and individual discussion





How does multimodality Help students?

Multimodality lends a diverse array of learners an opportunity to succeed. It creates a level playing field for those who learn best through linguistic, visual, aural, gestural and spatial experiences. The term multimodality, pertaining to the use of more than one mode, represents each mode as semiotic resource. Through the inclusion of culturally and socially diverse means of expression, students can strive to achieve more comfortably in their classroom environments. 






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